Post-Sockapalooza, not much knitting is happening around here. I have
two WIPs at the moment, neither progressed much beyond the last time you saw them, and this is why:
This book grabbed me by the (proverbial) balls and didn't let go. Still hasn't, really, although I finished it last night. Nothing in this book was what I have come to expect, and yet it is never surprising for the sake of surprise. Everything about it, but most particularly Strange and Norrell's relationship, is executed in a way that is somehow quiet, subtle, and also tremendously elaborate. (And witty too.) I can't get over it. And, Oh! Childermass! How can I express my love for this character? I can't.
What I'm trying to say is that this book made me want to read, voraciously, in a way that the likes of Harry Potter -- which I thoroughly enjoyed -- never could. Which brings me to my point, if indeed I had one: Knitting cuts into my reading time, HARD. I've known this all along, really, but for a while I think I sort of assumed that knitting would be a passing fancy. (I am nothing if not prone to dilettantism.) But that doesn't appear to be the case, does it? And being an obsessive record-keeper, I can no longer ignore the numbers: I moved to Portland 3 years ago, after I graduated from college. In the first year and a half, I read 48 books, including
a few long term committments. Then I re-took-up knitting, and in the year and a half since then, I've read 15. This is unacceptable.
So I'm making a commitment: I have two hours, every day, to pursue anything my little brain desires, so long as it's portable. From here on out, there will always be a knitting project AND a book in my very capacious bag.
So how about you guys? What did you used to do more of, before you took up your current crafty pursuits? Do you miss it? Or was the change intentional? Oh, and most importantly, what should I read next?