Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"One, two, three... [Chomp.] Ah-three."

You know how sometimes you're working on something and you promise yourself you won't cast on anything new until it's done, but then it ends up taking a bit longer than planned, so that you have ample time to dream about all the many things you could be knitting if you could just finish that one damned project, and then when you finally do finish it you turn around and find you've cast on for three things in 24 hours?

Yeah, me too.

These are Things One and Two: Charade in Louet Gems Sport and Twisted Tweed in Trekking. I generally go in for intricate, lacy socks, but lately I've had a hankering for something simple and eminently wearable. Still, I couldn't decide which of these two somethings to start first -- I was actually feeling some non-trivial tension over it. WTF? I knit for fun, remember? What is the Liberation Movement for, anyway, if not to remind us that this is our craft and we can do whatever the hell we feel like with it, whether that means knitting one sock or three? Onto the needles they both go. I'm actually not finding myself all that enamored with either of these yarns, though I do love the colors (and of course, the patterns).

Speaking of three, Thing Three is top secret; Xmas knitting has begun! My sincere apologies to the Ravelry-less, but a certain The Lady is among your number, and it's the best place I can think of to keep things from her prying eyes.


Stacey said...

I love both of those - the tweed pattern really fits that trekking!

Kristy said...

I know the feeling!

The socks both look great, as does your idea for Thing Three. A note of warning-- be careful of casually having your Ravelry page up when the intended recipient is around. I almost gave away my dodecahedron surprise that way.

Macoco said...

Thanks for linking to the twisted tweed pattern, I hadn't seen it before. I just finished up a pair of charades - so this will be a great project to start next.

Ashley said...

I am starting to _really_ like that Charade. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, can't wait to see how Thing 3 comes along!

pamela wynne said...

The trekking tweed is really lovely! And the more solid and semi-solid Charades I see, the more I want some of my own...

And OMG Thing3 is such a fabulous, fabulous gift!!